Saint David's Building Partners
Hands On Art & Play Preschool
A place to explore arts, crafts and music in an environment that is exciting, safe and fun. Hands On follows the same routine each day so the children feel secure in knowing what to expect throughout the day. The times of our activities flow with the needs of the children. Each day children have many opportunities to create artwork. Art activities help children develop their creativity and sharpen fine motor skills. Children work independently on many projects, and also play and create with other children their age. Hands On helps children learn appropriate behavior and how to use their words to get what they need. The children enjoy learning together and forming friendships. Portland Forest School We are a school of community and nature. Students journey outside and into the forest every day. They learn through collaboration with peers and alongside their mentors. Our interdisciplinary curriculum blends academics with hands-on learning, centered around observation in and participation with nature. At Forest School, we do not just teach students day-to-day: We engage their innate curiosity to learn and inspire them to seek new avenues of comprehension. Students become lifelong learners. When subject matter is made relevant through practical and transferable skills, children are immersed and invested in their education, thereby retaining more and pursuing further study. |
Portland Drama Club
Teaching the youth of Portland the power in themselves through play, practice, and performance, Portland Drama Club offers after-school programs and summer camps with theater opportunities for kids K-8th. It is our goal to provide a creative, safe space for children to have fun and gain confidence while learning the skills necessary to perform for an audience through musical theater. Not only will kids learn movement, vocal, and acting technique - as well as technical aspects of putting on a show - they will learn to work as a team and to form clear points of view. They will learn to encourage others to be silly and feel brave enough to be silly themselves without judgement. Portland Recorder Society 2nd Sundays at 2:00 in the Parish Hall Founded in 2007 as a chapter of the American Recorder Society, the PRS promotes recorder playing for enjoyment in the greater Portland area and spreads the joy of playing music. Women's AA Group - Mondays at 6:30pm Serenity Seekers AA - Fridays at 6pm Overeaters Anonymous - Saturdays at 10am |